The Resistance Needs You!


By Martin Kerr


Yes, we live in interesting times. The current eruption of social disorder following the death of a petty Negro criminal while in police custody is being touted by the mainstream media as a “transformative moment” in American history. Ordinary Whites, we are told by the media masters of illusion, now side with Black criminals against the police. We are sure that many stay-at-home TV-citizens are taken in by this charade – but not us.


The Background


The criminal in question, George Floyd, died after police officer Derek Chauvin apparently used excessive force in restraining Floyd after the Negro had already been peacefully taken into custody by other officers. Chauvin, we note, is a race-mixer whose wife is a member of the primitive Hmong tribespeople from Vietnam. Thus, he can hardly be said to be a “White racist” in any comprehensive sense. Chauvin knew Floyd personally (they had worked together) and it seems likely that the alleged mistreatment of Floyd while in custody stemmed from a personal beef between the two, rather than any “systemic racism” on the part of Chauvin. We assume that there will be a trial and that the facts of the matter will be brought to light. 


But the media never lets the facts and the truth get in the way when there is an overriding anti-White agenda to be fulfilled. Before Floyd’s body was even cold, the media had voluntarily adopted the narrative put forth by Black extremists, that Chauvin was a “White supremacist” and that the police in general manifest systemic racism.


Floyd died on May 25, which was a Monday, and by the weekend Minneapolis was up in flames. Daytime pro-Floyd demonstrations – “mostly peaceful,” we were told by the media – turned to orgies of looting and arson after the sun went down. They quickly spread to other cities coast-to-coast. Violent elements, including self-styled “anti-fascists” and professional criminal gangs, used the cover of the Floyd protests to advance their own agendas.


Laughably, the extreme leftwing mayor of Minneapolis, the Jew Jacob Frey, told reporters that he had “suspicions” based on “unconfirmed evidence” that the mayhem and destruction was caused by “White supremacists,” at least in part.


People watching their televisions at home, a captive audience because of the COVID-19 lockdown, were led to believe that the violence was a spontaneous reaction on the part of the Black population, that had been pushed past its breaking point.


The truth, however, is that the violence was far from spontaneous.


Some two months earlier, on February 23, another Negro criminal had been killed while being apprehended. In Georgia, Ahmaud Marquez Arbery died when struck by the blast from a shotgun that he tried to wrest from the hands of a White citizen who was making a private person’s arrest of Arbrey. The Negro had been seen running from the site of a burglary or attempted burglary in an all-White community. He had been tracked down by a former police officer who tried to take him into custody. Arbrey refused to go peacefully, and instead, with the stupidity characteristic of a certain class of Blacks, attempted to seize the weapon pointed at him.


Blacks extremists and their leftwing apologists immediately termed the death as “murder.” Arbrey, they said, was a “jogger” who had been “racially profiled” by “White racists.” The media quickly picked up on this narrative, although it was aware that it was seriously flawed. Calls for a violent reaction to the killing appeared across social media from Blacks, Marxists, Jews and deracinated Whites who called themselves Black “allies.” White Nationalist discussion boards warned that a major “chimp-out” was in the offing, using a humorous term for Negro rioting.


But although there was notable anger and tension among the anti-Whites, nothing happened. That, as we said, was in February.


Older readers here will remember that yearly Negro rioting took place in American cities from 1965 through 1970. Each May would usher in what was called the “rioting season,” which lasted until the beginning of September. The riots followed a pattern: a Black criminal would be killed or injured while being arrested, and then his racial kinsmen would run amok for several days.


The 1965 outbreak in the Los Angeles Watts ghetto was the first of these riots; the riots that followed the murder of Martin Luther King in 1968 were the most violent and widespread. Generally, the riots would be suppressed by the use of lethal force by the police or National Guard. In some cities, over two-dozen people were killed; occasionally these were random Whites or police officers, but mostly it was Black rioters who died.


The riots following the death of George Floyd followed the general pattern of the 1960s riots, except that leftwing, Democratic mayors told their police forces to stand down, and not confront the rioters unless someone’s life was in danger. Once the rioters – whether Negroes or White “allies” – realized that they were not going to be shot or arrested, the disorders grew. In some cities, pallets of bricks and barrels of empty glass bottles mysteriously appeared on the streets in the daylight hours before the nighttime violence broke out. This led astute observers to conclude that the riots were not as spontaneous as the media reported they were.


Eventually the rioting died out but large protests commemorating the newly-canonized St. George Floyd have continued. The media is quick to point out that, unlike the past, there are many, many White people joining in the Black Lives Matter marches. What they want you to believe is that these are White people who have been newly converted to the BLM cause. In most cases, however, the White BLM marchers are simply liberals and race-mixers who have been in the BLM camp all along, but who have been too lazy to march. Now, spurred on by the intensive media focus on the issue, along with COVID-19 lockdown cabin-fever, these types have been energized and are taking to the streets.


But among the broad masses of American Whites who live outside the large cities, there is little or no support for the BLM marchers or their allies. Indeed, we have noticed that non-urban Whites have begun to turn out to confront BLM and Antifa invaders who have attempted to cause disruption in their communities.


White Resistance


Here is a sampling of the sporadic occurrences of White resistance that we have noted:










These are just the pro-White counter-protests that we have seen in the media. It is likely that there have been many others that have gone unreported or under-reported.


Here is the takeaway: The anti-Whites can march, loot and burn in the big cities, because the police have been ordered to stand down. But when the BLM protestors and Antifa get out into all-White suburban and rural areas, they find that the local population is hostile to them and ready to fight back.


We have also seen smaller examples of White defiance. On June 17, a lone White man spray painted “White Lives Matter” on the statue of a Negro athlete on Richmond, Virginia’s, Monument Avenue. The street was renowned for its statues to Confederate leaders, many of which had been torn down or vandalized by BLM and Antifa types in previous days – while the police stood by and did nothing. To our knowledge, this White man is unaffiliated with any pro-White group.


Where Are the Pro-Whites?


This brings us to another point: What has the organized pro-White movement been doing during this period? What has it done to protect White communities or organize White resistance? The answer, sadly, is “not very much.”


Pro-Whites have shown a lot of anonymous online outrage over the Negro/Marxist violence and over the large anti-White BLM marches. A few groups, notably the NEW ORDER, the National Alliance and the Patriot Front, have distributed printed material of one sort or another. But beyond that, the only organized resistance by the movement we have seen has been in far-away Europe and not in the US.





No, it is not much – but it is where we are.


The Role of National Socialists


Over on the White Nationalist discussion board Stormfront, various posters opined that pro-Whites should adopt a low-profile, keep their heads down, and wait for the disruptions to blow over. We disagree with this suggestion. Rather than wait until the White population goes back to sleep, National Socialists should use this time of heightened racial contradictions to spread the Good Word in any way that they can, without unduly jeopardizing themselves or their families.


We have already mentioned distributing printed material and posting online. But there is more that can be done.


In locales such as the ones mentioned earlier, in which the White population is already at a boiling point, National Socialists should energetically participate in any spontaneous White counter-demonstrations that occur. Beyond that, they should encourage any and all White resistance. They should not, however, use these events to engage in illegal violence or any other type of illegality, nor should they incite others to violence. But they should let their voices be heard.


This is a time to engage the White population on common ground, that is, in opposing the BLM; in opposing Antifa; and in opposing all other anti-White elements. At the same time, we should promote the defense and the safety of White people and their property. This is a good time to point out that the NEW ORDER stands for order.


One practical suggestion that we can give is to use the slogan “White Lives Matter,” as the obvious counter to the slogan “Black Lives Matter” when organizing in White communities. The NEW ORDER has been using WLM for the past five years and we have had good results with it. We have found, as a matter of practical experience, that it resonates positively with ordinary, non-movement Whites. It seems fair to them, along the lines of the old saying "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander."

WLM is also a good conversation starter, and few normal Whites will find it offensive or objectionable. At most, someone might say, "Yes, White lives matter but so do Black lives, etc." This opens the way to having a sensible, rational discussion of the problems Whites face today as a race.


This is not the moment to exacerbate blind race-hatred, nor to distract sympathetic Whites with discussions about extraneous issues about which they are not immediately concerned. Explanations of the kosher food tax, or of the Jewish control of the Federal Reserve, or of the “holocaust” hoax, should be postponed to another time; instead, National Socialists should focus on racial issues and the compelling matters at hand. And we should definitely point out when Jews are at the forefront of anti-White organizing.

In 1966, our Movement, under the leadership of George Lincoln Rockwell, had the strength and resources to actually lead a White uprising in the defense of a besieged White community in Chicago. We are not in that position today. Nonetheless, we must do whatever we can, even in small ways, to promote White resistance to anti-White violence and organize the White community on an NS basis.


This Is Not the Apocalypse


Earlier this year, we watched in amusement as hysterical types among the pro-White cause announced that the COVID-19 outbreak was the beginning of the end of civilization. Now, we are treated to a similar spectacle, as the same people claim that a few hundred thousand anti-White demonstrators in a country of 330 million people are going to bring the existing political-social-economic order crashing down.


This is not the apocalypse. At most, it is dress rehearsal.


But it is also a wonderful opportunity for National Socialists to make substantial inroads into mainstream White society by encouraging and organizing White resistance.


The White resistance needs you!


Join the Resistance!





About the author: Martin Kerr is the Chief of Staff of the NEW ORDER.